
Things Libre Arts hasn't blogged about 2024 (minimalist version)

Alexandre Prokoudine does a great job with his Libre Arts blog. This time a very minimalist version without screenshots, just links. While he looks at the big picture, I have collected some news from smaller, more hidden open source graphics projects: Mobile Since I'm only interested in the non-mainstream mobile stacks, I'm ignoring Android as an OS completely here. libcamera v0.2-.04 libobscura An alternative to libcamera appeard to make smartphone cameras easier to use: Megapixels 2.0 alpha release Desktop xpano drawpile PV

Alternative for Aerialod

First of all what is Aerialod and why do i need an alternative. Aerialod is an tool to create fast 3D voxel images out of height maps. Advantages and Disadvantages of Aerialod Advantages: User-Friendly: Aerialod is an easy-to-use tool for creating 3D terrain models. It caters to both beginners and experienced users who want to achieve results quickly. Freeware but not Open Source: Aerialod is free to download but does not allows users to modify and extend the source code. Variety of Features: Aerialod supports the generation of various terrains, the use of real satellite data, and the creation of synthetic heightmaps. This makes it a versatile tool for different applications in geodata visualization. Disadvantages: Lack of Advanced Features: While Aerialod offers many useful functions, it may lack some advanced features found in professional 3D rendering tools, making it less suitable for certain applications. Not Open Source No new version since 2023. Overall, Aerialod presents an in...

DIY: Fire Bowls Lighter

Here comes the next part of my post chrismas upcyling. I created two different kinds of Fire Bowls Lighter. For the first one you need: Wax residues, e.g. old candles from the Advent wreath or wax waste from New Year's Eve. Toilet paper rolls Newspaper/packing paper Chopped branches from the dried Christmas tree (you can also use wood shavings or guinea pig litter). An old pot (It could be difficult to clean it again.) Wooden clothes pegs scissors Put the wax in an old pot:   Cut the toilet paper rolls in half with scissors. Then make small pocket shapes out of the paper and stick them into the half toilet paper rolls Then fill the small pockets with the chopped pine branches and seal them Melt the wax on the cooker and dip the small packets into the wax using a wooden clothes peg. Place on a surface to harden, e.g. an old cardboard box. For the second: leftover wax, e.g. old candles from the Advent wreath muffin paper moulds chopped branches from the dried up Christmas tree For t...

DIY: How to make a Harry Potter wand from the top of an old Christmas tree.

      EN: How to make a Harry Potter wand from the top of an old Christmas tree. DE: Wie erstellt man einen Harry Potter Zauberstab aus der Spitze des alten Weihnachtsbaumes. EN: 1. Cut the top off the old Christmas tree a hand's breadth below the topmost branch and remove all branches with secateurs. DE: 1. Schneide die Spitze von dem alten Weihnachtsbaum eine Handbreit unter dem obersten Astkranz ab. Dann alle Äste mit einer Gartenschere entfernen .   EN: 2. Remove the rind with a knife. Tip: I use cut-resistant gloves for this DE: 2. Mit einem Messer die Rinde entfernen. Tipp: Ich verwende dafür Schnittfeste Handschuhe. EN: 3. Then smooth the ends of the twigs with a knife. DE: 3. Dann die Enden der Zweige mit einem Messer glatt schnitzen. EN: 4. Now smooth all rough edges with sandpaper. DE: 4. Mit Schmiergelpapier jetzt noch alle rauen Kanten glätten. EN: If you wish, you can now rub the wand with walnut oil or colour it with a glaze of your choice. DE: 5. Wenn...

QGIS 3D MAP mit offenen Daten

Wie man hier im Blog sehen kann, beschäftige ich mich schon seit einiger Zeit mit der Erstellung von Karten für Fotobücher. Bisher habe ich dafür GIMP und Inkscape verwendet. Nun wurde ich zum ersten Mal "gezwungen" mich mit QGIS zu beschäftigen. Auslöser war ein Blogpost von über 3D-Gebäudedaten , die für ganz NRW kostenlos zur verfügung stehen. Also habe ich den Urlaub zwischen den Feiertagen genutzt mir verschiede Tutorials über QGIS anzuschauen, damit ich überhaubt was mit den Daten anfangen konnte. Als Testgebiet habe ich die Schleife in Münster Kinderhaus gewählt, da es dort viele Häuser in unterschiedlichen Höhen gibt. Leider war die Qualität der 3D-Gebäudemodelle "LoD1" und "LoD2" schlechter als erhofft. Einige Gebäude fehlten ganz, andere waren nur als Punkte dargestellt, wie man auf diesem Screenshot sehen kann: Was in der 3D-Ansicht natürlich nicht allzu beeindruckend aussah: Zum Glück habe ich dann noch e...

Monocular Depth Estimation using Diffusion Models

Here a little bit more about AI depth map generation. Google published an interesting paper: Monocular Depth Estimation using Diffusion Models   ZoeDepth: Combining relative and metric depth (Official implementation)  

7 methods to get a depth map without exiftool

Online Tools Use an online extractor e.g.: Depth Map Extractor or Depth Extractor (both don't work with my example file from the Google Pixel 6a) Use Photopea. Photopea is even able to import all other images inside the metadata. You can use this tutorial or directly go to .   Command line Tools Depth-map-extractor an Python script optimised for photos from Huawei  phones. Phonedepth , a small command line tool to extract depth data. Creating not extracting In 3D tools like blender you can simply render the mist pass/depth map and then use it in other programs: AI: There are several AI depth map creation tools. (online and local). The quality varies quite a lot depending on the input image and the used model. Sometimes it looks good at first glance, but is simply wrong. However, the AI models are improving very quickly. But if it is not perfect you can fix it, have a look at the last point. Here for example the not very good output result from 3...