
Es werden Posts vom September, 2022 angezeigt.

Depth Map from Samsung Gallaxy M33 Photos

If you shoot with an Samsung Galaxy M33 in the "Portrait" mode Samsung saves three images inside one jpeg. The first one is the one you see if you open the photo with any application. The second one is the image without any filter applied and the third one is the shot from the depth map camera. Main Image You can get the images from all cameras with the command line tool " exiftool ". First you can check with this commands, if the image contains any additional images:   "exiftool(-k).exe" 20220921_091253.jpg "-embedded*" -a Embedded Image Name : DualShot_1 Embedded Image      : (Binary data 2449408 bytes, use -b option to extract) Embedded Image Name : DualShot_2 Embedded Image 2    : (Binary data 576210 bytes, use -b option to extract) -- press ENTER -- And with this command you can check for a depth map : "exiftool(-k).exe" 20220921_091253.jpg -"*depth*" Depth Map Name      : DualShot_DepthMap_1 Depth Map Data      : (