Dephth Maps - Startups - Update 1
Today I'd like to present three European startups. They all try to create depth maps with different technologies.
Blickfeld with LiDAR
Blickfeld is developing a solid state LiDAR. This is not made for adding depth maps to photos, but I can imagine an LiDAR mounted on a camera like a flash.
Update 1: Apples new iPhone has an integrated LiDAR sensor.
Point cloud created with a LiDAR:
Image captured with the iPhone 12 LiDAR scanner. Image used courtesy of Apple
K|Lens with a kaleidoscope inside a lens
K|Lens is developing an objective that can be used by every full format camera. The nice thing with this solution is, that you only need one shot. The bad thing is, that your resolution will be reduced. In the worst case your image will have 1/9 of you sensor size. K|Lens is working on a solution to get 2/3 of the original resolution.
Depth map from a K|Lens shot:
Wooptix with a very fast liquid lens
Wooptix uses the old focus stacking technique. The innovation is here a very fast liquid lens. This solution only works with a special camera but in full resolution.
You can find an longer article about Wooptix here:
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