Tutorial: Dresden 1824 - Inside an image from Carl August Richter - Improved

Thanks to this posts on twitter from Bruno Postle i have now a method how to results from the last tutorial:

The first and the last steps are the same.
Center the image. (Alternative you can measure the centre an enter the values in Hugin). The new thing is to use Hugin instead of the "Little Planet" plug-in in Gimp
Start Hugin
Change to the expert mode. (Interface->Expert)
Add the image via drag and drop or this button:

 Cancel this dialogue:

Double click on the image:

Change pitch to -90:

Change the "degrees of view (v)" to 212:

Here you can even the image centre shift, if you have not centred the image before in GIMP.
Now go into the Preview mode:

Now change the preview mode to "Stereographic":

 And in the "projection" tab the "Field of View" to 360x180 Equirectangular:

The preview should now look like this:

Now you can go back to the "Assistnt" tab and hit the "3. Create panorama..." button: (Alternative in the Expert mode "Output->Stitch...)

The result should look like this:

Fix the sky in GIMP as I described in the last tutorial:

Add the metadata with exiftool to the image and then upload it to Google Photos.

exiftool -ProjectionType="equirectangular" -UsePanoramaViewer="True" -"PoseHeadingDegrees<$exif:GPSImgDirection" -"CroppedAreaImageWidthPixels<$ImageWidth" -"CroppedAreaImageHeightPixels<$ImageHeight" -"FullPanoWidthPixels<$ImageWidth" -"FullPanoHeightPixels<$ImageHeight" -CroppedAreaLeftPixels="0" -CroppedAreaTopPixels="0" NAME.jpg

The result: https://photos.app.goo.gl/hCnfMHmFACP2Q9Jy7


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