How to integrate a 360° Panorama with A-Frame into a Blogger post

This is a follow up of my last post "Panorama of old vase in VR". The team from Klassik Stiftung Weimar asked me if it is possible to view the panorama directly into the blog without the link to google photos. My first answer was no, but then I started to research. I liked the idea to be a little bit more independent from Google. Google stopped the support of the Daydream last year and there will be no new smartphone with Daydream support. That means I will need to find other VR glasses if my smartphone will ever stop working.

The good news is, I found A-Frame, an open-source web framework for building virtual reality (VR) experiences. A-Frame supports most VR headsets such as Vive, Rift, Windows Mixed Reality, Daydream, GearVR, Cardboard, Oculus Go, and can even be used for augmented reality.

I found this very simple example to convert an equirectangular panorama to a 360° VR panorama. I just needed to add this eight line to the post and voila it's done.

<script src=""></script> <style> #myEmbeddedScene { width:100%; height:500px; } </style>
<br />
<div id="myEmbeddedScene">
<a-scene embedded="">
<a-sky rotation="0 -130 0" src="https://XXXX/FileName.jpeg"></a-sky>

Crater shape vase with panorama of "Potsdam from the sight of Babelsberge", Bild: Klassik Stiftung Weimar


  1. This is awesome. Thanks for this article. It has helped me very much to integrate aframe in the site I am doing.


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